Friday, August 2, 2019

Masae Ohno -- Eccentric Person, Come Back To Me

According to what I've heard from the Queen of Commercial Songs so far, singer-songwriter Masae Ohno(大野方栄)sure loves her jazz.

Furthermore this time, she's even cordially invited some technopop into her scatting and jiving "Eccentric Person, Come Back To Me". A track from her 1983 debut album "Masae A La Mode", Ohno was throwing out her techno kayo jazz at a good time when Taco was hitting it swell with his version of "Puttin' On The Ritz" and The Manhattan Transfer was continuing to bring their blend of jazz and pop in America and around the world. "Eccentric Person, Come Back To Me" is roughly based on "Lover, Come Back To Me", a jazz standard that has also gotten some Japanese love over many decades. Ohno provided her own lyrics to her version.

According to the liner notes for "Masae A La Mode", Ohno has earned her tiara as the Queen of Commercial Songs with more than 800 jingles under her belt. Moreover, she's provided backup vocals for a number of bands and she also provides narration. Her latest album, "Chapara"(ちゃぱら), was released in 2017.


  1. I did not think to find such a forgotten and far-fetched song ... thanks for the data, your blog is well completed


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