Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Pedro & Capricious -- Gafieira Night

I realize that there is still more heat on its way before autumn finally arrives, but I've been enjoying the past few days since they represent the ideal August weather in Toronto. Warm and not too humid days with cool nights. Meanwhile, one of our collaborators on "Kayo Kyoku Plus", Joana, has been having a time of her life in Tokyo despite the torrid heat and humidity there, and my student and his wife are now taking in that vacation in Italy.

Here is something slightly luxurious and comfortable to fit the cooling temperatures right now as I write this at sunset. "Gafieira Night" is a track from Pedro & Capricious'(ペドロ&カプリシャス)1980 album "Oasis"(オアシス). My last article on this group was done over a year ago and it was from the same release with the softly peppy "My Lover's Eyes". As I mentioned then, I'd had no idea that Pedro & Capricious could also handle the urban contemporary stuff since I had always been used to them as a folk band from the early 1970s.

"Gafieira Night" is a bit different from "My Lover's Eyes" in that it does take things into velvety bossa nova with lots of class. Once again, vocalist Naoko Matsudaira(松平直子)handles things lovingly as images of candlelit dinners on fancy balconies overlooking city backdrops come into view. I tried to look up the songwriters in the JASRAC chart, but alas, no luck on who created this tune (luckily, Daemonskald was able to find the songwriters below!).

I was rather curious about what kind of night a Gafieira night was. Figuring that it was Brazilian in origin, I was proven right when I found out from Wikipedia that Gafieira is a form of samba form-fit for the ballroom apparently. Although "Gafieira Night" doesn't seem to the type of tune that an actual Samba de Gafieira would be performed with, perhaps the characters from the lyrics may partake in it.


  1. Hello J-Canuck!

    Lyrics by Yoshiaki Sagara (さがらよしあき)
    Music by Naoya Matsuoka (松岡直也)

    The song was registered under "Gafiera Night", without the second "i". That's why it was a bit tricky to find on JASRAC website.


    1. Hello, Daemonskald.

      Many thanks for the assist there! It's always good that there are eagle-eyed fans out there.

  2. The beginning of the chorus remind me the chorus of "Deixa eu te amar" by Agepê:



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