Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Kuniko Fukushima -- Slow Dancer(スローダンサー)

Found this one last night by singer-songwriter Kuniko Fukushima(福島邦子)from Okayama Prefecture. As the title above indicates, this song has got some slinky moves.

Titled "Slow Dancer", this was a single by Fukushima released in October 1978. Fukushima came up with the sultry strut through Shinjuku or Roppongi while Machiko Ryu(竜真知子)wrote the lyrics about a disco diva who won't tolerate any surrenders of fatigue from her partners at the midnight hour and is more than willing to strand all of them on the curb (won't even call them a taxi home) while she continues tripping the light fantastic well into the morning. The Lexington Queen may have had its hands full with her in the club.

Fukushima's music comes across as the personification of the Slow Dancer from the bass hips and legs to the strings cattiness/kittenish-ness to the keyboards representing everything else. She's sexy and she knows it. Some cool City Pop striding down the street back in the late 1970s.

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