Sunday, October 6, 2019

Come Along Radio: City Pop Podcast -- Episode 1

Would like to thank and congratulate my friend Jerry McClellan, aka Rocket Brown, and his friend JM The Bard for launching the pilot episode of their City Pop podcast from Los Angeles earlier today. I'm listening to it as I write this, and it's been a novel and nostalgic experience since the combination of hearing songs by singers such as Mariya Takeuchi(竹内まりや), Miki Matsubara(松原みき)and Junko Ohashi(大橋純子)and then listening to Rocket and JM banter about has me reminiscing about the old "Sounds of Japan" broadcasts on CHIN-FM back in the 1980s.

Episode 1 is around 80 minutes and according to the duo, they'll try and put up episodes once a week, but you can take a look at Rocket's YouTube channel, Come Along Radio for more information.

P.S. Got word from Rocket that the final song on the playlist by fusion band Spectrum got nixed by YouTube so you won't be able to hear it there. However, you can hear it on the Soundcloud version.

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