Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Mariko Yoshida -- Tomadoi(とまどい)

Last month, I introduced a late 1980s aidoru-turned-pop singer by the name of Mariko Yoshida(吉田真里子)via a relaxing pop song "Eien no 20cm"(永遠の20cm). I did mention there that she did get her start in May 1988.

Well, here is her debut single from that month in 1988, "Tomadoi" (Wonderment). Starting off with a tinkly keyboard, as the title suggests, the whole song has that atmosphere of a girl finding herself in a wonderland. Yoshida did start out as an aidoru and so the song does have that familiar ring of aidoru-ism to it, but I think the music and arrangement by Satoshi Takebe(武部聡志)is a little less frenetic and more reassuring so perhaps there is a bit of pop maturity in there, too. Yukari Izumi(和泉ゆかり)provided the lyrics.

"Tomadoi" was Yoshida's most successful single on Oricon, by coming in at No. 14. The song was also a track on her debut album "Shikashuu"*(詩華集...Poetry Collection, although the official English title has been given as Anthology), released later in December of that year. I didn't mention this in the first article for the singer, but considering her vocals, it's kinda too bad that she didn't quite go up the ladder to stardom, although she did have several years as an indies pop singer in the 1990s.

*The reading for the album title is just my guess at how I think it may have been pronounced since I couldn't find an official transliteration for it at any of my usual sources such as Jisho.org. Again, if any of you readers can give me any advice here, it would be much appreciated.

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