Wednesday, November 13, 2019

face to ace -- Kaleido-Parade

All the way back in March 2013, nikala had provided the heretofore only article on eclectic music duo face to ace. From what I heard in my fellow writer's article, my feeling was that face to ace's mix of synths and pop was quite unique even among the various groups that we've covered in the blog such as Yellow Magic Orchestra and PSY-S. I can't speak for nikala but my take on the music by ACE and Kurage Honda(本田海月)is that of a form of synthpop and indies music. The rhythms they've come up with have been quite percolating and bouncy, and it's a pity that their profile hasn't been all that high since they started up in 2001.

Allow me to introduce you to "Kaleido-Parade", face to ace's 6th single from June 2004 with ACE providing the lyrics while Honda took care of the music. As expected, there is that irresistible rhythm and a feeling that there really is a parade (in Aberdeen?) going on in the song. Even with the technology in there, I can still hear that piano keeping the beat and also keeping things grounded. This would actually make for a nice driving song on the car stereo while taking that ride in the countryside.

"Kaleido-Parade" was also included in face to ace's 3rd album "Fiesta" released in January 2005. So far, I've only heard their pop stuff, but apparently the duo has also been categorized as an AOR and rock act, so I wouldn't mind giving an ear to some of their tunes from those genres as well.

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