Thursday, November 7, 2019

Naomi Sugimura -- Kinou ni Sayonara(昨日にさよなら)

This was basically the sight that greeted me this morning after I decided to go out and get the newspaper. Yup, Toronto got its first somewhat major snowfall last night and we're getting some more of the white stuff as I type this. So, I gather that this is truly goodbye to summer.

Another hackneyed segue over to the title of this song "Kinou ni Sayonara" (Goodbye to Yesterday) then. This was sung as Naomi Sugimura's(杉村尚美)B-side to her January 1981 debut single "Sunset Memory"(サンセット・メモリー). In comparison to the A-side though, "Kinou ni Sayonara" takes the singer and we listeners a little closer to the city although I really couldn't definitively say that this is a truly City Pop tune (although I've thrown the category in).

What kinda gets the music over the line into City Pop territory is the electric guitar which reminds me a lot of some Bee Gees songs for some reason. I couldn't find out who was on the instrument, but I wonder whether it was someone like Makoto Matsushita(松下誠)or Fujimal Yoshino(吉野藤丸). In any case, the same duo behind "Sunset Memory" also took care of "Kinou ni Sayonara", lyricist Machiko Ryu(竜真知子)and composer Toshiyuki Kimori(木森敏之). For some reason, I never put in any rankings for the single in its writeup (perhaps they hadn't been put in when I first wrote about "Sunset Memory") so I'd just like to say that it was a hit at No. 4 on Oricon and it ended up as the 27th-ranked single for 1981, selling more than 460,000 records, her biggest seller.

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