Thursday, January 9, 2020

Frasco -- Viewtiful

As the fellow in the video will tell you, that is indeed an Erlenmeyer flask, the one that I used to use in my chemistry class back in my high school. We had a former army sergeant as our teacher, and he could be as terrifying as any drill instructor when angered. One of the highlights was when our class made all sorts of esters for a variety of smells. Of course, when they all get mixed together in the lab, things tend to get a little "fragrant" with the aftermath being that it was pretty easy for me to get a seat on the bus heading home that day. Mind you, I thought that was pretty much every day for me...

Moving on, less than half an hour ago, I wrote about the 1990s band frasco (small f) with their smooth breezy sound, and during the write-up for their song, I discovered that another band, Frasco, popped up in 2015 with one difference being in their spelling (large F). Frasco has been categorized on J-Wiki as a band specializing in electropop, Neo-Shibuya-kei and plain ol' J-Pop. I'm not sure how 1990s frasco got its name but for 2010s Frasco, apparently it was named after the chemistry class container that I mentioned in the introductory paragraph above since the members wanted to show the concept of mixing in their music and various other influences all one big ester...that smells good.

"Viewtiful", the title track from their 2nd EP from November 2017 is more on the electropop side as vocalist and designer Mine Raru(峰らる)takes us on a whimsical melodic ride while the official music video flows along as something that would make graphic designers sit up and take notice. There is a team of folks around Frasco but the core is the duo consisting of Mine Raru and songwriter/arranger Shinya Takano(タカノシンヤ), according to their website.

Also, according to J-Wiki, although Frasco had initially released their works in 2017, including "Viewtiful" on CD, the band decided to go with digital download since they felt that it was more with the sign of the times.

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