Sunday, January 5, 2020

Yoshinori Monta -- Aisarenai Show Time(愛されないShow Time)

Couldn't finish off today's articles without tackling this one here since it's so funkalicious!

When it comes to Yoshinori Monta(もんたよしのり), who was born Yoshinori Kadota(門田頼命), I've only really known him as part of Monta & Brothers(もんた&ブラザーズ)with their huge hit, "Dancing All Night"(ダンシング・オールナイト)back in 1980. I would like to get to know him some more especially after listening to this fun and bouncy "Aisarenai Show Time" (Unloved Show Time) from his 1987 solo album "Bitter" .

The uploader has confessed as such but the tape recording isn't at its best. Still, it's a good piece of kakkoii City Pop. Knowing "Dancing All Night", it's definitely Monta's voice but this time, it's surrounded by some tight horns, a relentless keyboard keeping the beat, and then all of that funky goodness. Once again, this might be another call for Daemonskald but although I tried looking through the search engines and the newly-returned JASRAC database, I couldn't find the songwriters. I wonder if Toshiki Kadomatsu(角松敏生)or any of the guys from AB'S had anything to do with this one.

Would like to get my hands on this album if it hasn't gone haiban.

Oooh....nicer copy.


  1. Hi J-Canuck!

    Lyrics: Ikki Matsumoto (松本一起)
    Composition: Yoshinori Monta

    I don't think he ever used Kadota as his artist's name. In the Amazon link you provided it is well written Monta as family name romanization on CD cover.

    On the "Bitter" booklet back cover you have musicians credits breakdown:


    1. Hi, Daemonskald. Thanks for the correction. I wasn't looking close enough at the cover of the album.


Feel free to provide any comments (pro or con). Just be civil about it.