Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Hideki Saijo -- ROOM NUMBER 3021

Recently, I've received a number of likes on Twitter from Hideki Saijo(西城秀樹)fans for entries such as "City Dreams From Tokyo", so I thought perhaps a thank you from me was in order with another like-minded song.

I found this one, "ROOM NUMBER 3021" which was the B-side to Saijo's 55th single, "Rain of Dream" released in September 1986. Somewhat too bad about his hairdo on the cover, though, or perhaps that was an 80s thing. Anyways, this is some more of his smooth City Pop style as Hideki croons about that hotel room for two which promises some nocturnal hijinks, if you know what I mean (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). We can only hope that Rooms 3019 and 3023 are soundproofed.

Written by Yoshiko(与詞古, who also composed the music for Akina Nakamori's(中森明菜)"Dreaming", and composed by Kimitaka Nakamura(中村公貴), it's a naturally nightly number in the big city. The music starts off slightly woozy after a few too many cocktails but it also includes some proud horn moments including a solo by a saxophone, and after I've seen my share of anime, that is often the go-to instrument for all things sexy. "ROOM NUMBER 3021" just goes to show that for all of his fame as a 1970s aidoru, Saijo could also give his old buddies Goro Noguchi(野口五郎)and Hiromi Go(郷ひろみ)a run for their yen in the 1980s City Pop genre.


  1. You might also want to add that 与詞古 was the pen name of the late Tanaka Yoshiko (of Candies fame).


    1. Thanks kindly, Yurihan, for the clarification. I've also added something along those lines on Akina's "Dreaming".


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