Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Kazue Ito -- Fallin'

I was wondering where I had heard the name Kazue Ito(伊藤かずえ)before, and as it turns out, she's an actress who's been in at least one of the shows in the "Nurse no O-shigoto"(ナースのお仕事ナースのお仕事...A Nurse's Work)TV franchise on Fuji-TV that first started in the 1990s. In fact, if you play the above video, she's the very first person you spot as the tough-as-nails nurse in the dark-frame glasses.

Just like Yuko Asano(浅野ゆう子), Ito is a thespian whom I hadn't known had her own singing career as an aidoru way back when. In fact, she released 15 singles and 5 original albums going late into the 1980s, including her debut back in 1978 as an 11-year-old.

However, the song by Ito here isn't included in the mainstream discography but in an image album for a girls' manga titled "Rising!" that was released in July 1985. "Fallin'" is a very comfy tune that's sung quite capably by aidoru Ito (the high notes may be a bit suspect but off-tune was usually forgiven for the teenyboppers). Written by Junko Sato(佐藤純子)and composed by Tsunehiro Izumi(和泉常寛), the brief melody rather weaves between AOR and a fantasy world. At first, I'd assumed that the soundtrack was for an anime adaptation of "Rising!", but apparently going over the J-Wiki article, it was never made into one.

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