Friday, March 20, 2020

Marlene -- I'll Take My Time

I will start off by giving my kudos to Keir Hardie for providing another wonderful Marlene(マリーン)tune onto YouTube (June 26 2022: Unfortunately, it looks like the powers-that-be may have shut him down, so I found another video above).

"I'll Take My Time" was actually Marlene's 8th single under her current name and her previous one of Marilyn (her first 4 singles). Released in May 1984, there's so much about "I'll Take My Time" that has me reminiscing about afternoon listens to the radio during high school and university. Yup, I do love my AOR, and another singer that Marlene reminds me of here especially is Melissa Manchester. I also enjoy the combination of the guitar and the chorus in the background there. In fact, maybe there's something rather Steely Dan with that guitar.

The song was created by Jay Gruska and Paul Howard Gordon. Assuming that "I'll Take My Time" was released only in Japan, I wonder whether this would have also had some sort of recognition if actually recorded in America and for American audiences.

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