Monday, March 30, 2020

Shinji Tanimura -- Hi wa Mata Noboru(陽はまた昇る)

Yup, indeed I was listening to the above "Seishun Uta Nenkan"(青春歌年鑑)entry for 1979. Nice to wax nostalgic in my ears (perhaps, "wax" and "ears" shouldn't be used in the same sentence unless medically important).

On Disc 2 is singer-songwriter Shinji Tanimura's(谷村新司)"Hi wa Mata Noboru" (The Sun Will Rise Once More). Tanimura's debut single as a solo artist away from his folk group Alice(アリス)was released in June 1979, almost a year before his next creation, the regal karaoke favourite "Subaru"(昴), garnered him plenty of acclaim.

"Hi wa Mata Noboru" is also quite epic although some of his folk roots remain in his creation. Those strings and piano really put some majesty into the story of encouraging someone who has suffered loss...most likely romantic in nature. It can really take the listener farther afield into some courtyard in Europe, perhaps. "Subaru" may have overshadowed his solo debut song, but I think "Hi wa Mata Noboru" can also pull at the heartstrings pretty effectively.

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