Wednesday, April 15, 2020

EPO -- Ashi no Nai Bed(足のないベッド)

Looks like someone has brought back the City Pop radio (though it's not live) with the gorgeous ride through Tokyo again. 😀 At least, it's there for a little while.

(excerpt only)

When it comes down to it, jazz still had a torch being lit for it by some of the Japanese pop stars of the 70s and 80s. Specifically, there seems to have been an amity for the jazz torch ballad of perhaps the 1950s, and one example of that is "Ame no Drive"(雨のドライブ)by Mariya Takeuchi(竹内まりや)who delivers it with quiet panache.

Then, there's Mariya's good buddy, EPO. In the same year that the album "Miss M" carrying "Ame no Drive" was released, EPO put out her "Goodies" album which is one of the seminal samples of City Pop. Another song that I would like to present from "Goodies" is "Ashi no Nai Bed" (Footless Bed), which actually got played on the returned City Pop radio when I dropped in last night. That voice of EPO is just perfect for such an old-fashioned jazzy ballad that would make for optimal listening in the wee hours of the night. It's almost as if Ms. Eiko Miyagawa got transported back decades to an NBC radio music program at the top of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in Manhattan to give this dreamy performance. If I scratch real hard at the song, I swear that I'll unearth a Normal Rockwell painting.

EPO took care of both words and music for "Ashi no Nai Bed", a ballad about what seems to be a young couple enjoying life in their new home or a young lady pining for that male neighbour across the courtyard. In any case, she craves for that warmth in the titular piece of furniture.

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