Sunday, April 5, 2020

Frederic -- Kanashii Ureshii(かなしいうれしい)

(Unfortunately the video...and probably the account...has been taken down)

Nope, this article doesn't have anything to do with "Seitokai Yakuindomo"(生徒会役員共)although I've enjoyed the various YouTube videos of snippets from the series that has been around for a decade or so. Actually, it has to do with the funny intro created by one of the YouTube uploaders, 「WAIFU」, and as you can see above, it has some poor fellow getting blown out of his seat by a firecracker while something that sounds akin to a frantic country hoedown melody plays in the back.

Actually, though, that melody is the start of a theme song for a totally different anime that had come out back in 2017, "Koi to Uso"(恋と嘘...Love & Lies). Plus "Kanashii Ureshii" (So Sad So Glad), aside from that catchy intro, is a just-as-catchy pop/rock tune by the band Frederic(フレデリック). I mentioned about Frederic back in that same year because of my discovery of the music video for one of their songs, "oddloop". So, realizing that, I just had to include "Kanashii Ureshii" into the blog.

Written and composed by Frederic bassist Koji Mihara(三原康司), "Kanashii Ureshii" was released in August 2017 as their 2nd major single. According to their Wikipedia page, the song peaked at No. 14 on Oricon. Once again, the music video has gotten my attention.

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