Saturday, April 4, 2020

Nana Mizuki -- DISCOTHEQUE

Once the all-clear is given regarding the worst medical crisis in recent human history, I'm betting that a good cross-section of folks will be more than happy to cut up a rug or a thousand in the dance clubs. All that pent-up tension has got to go somewhere in celebration, so let's hope that it's sooner rather than later.

In the meantime as far as this blog is concerned, we can always look for some J-Disco. Found this one purely by accident under YouTube recommendations. At first, when I saw Nana Mizuki's(水樹奈々) "DISCOTHEQUE", I had assumed that this was one of her latest singles, but actually, it's a track from one of her earlier singles all the way back in October 2008, "Trickster". I swear, the lass doesn't age!

The music video for "DISCOTHEQUE" is fun enough but then I discovered that the song was also the second opening theme for an anime called "Rosario to Vampire"ロザリオとバンパイア...Rosario+Vampire, another fish-out-of-water comedy series involving a human boy having to attend a high school academy for monsters. And the title vampire is actually played by Mizuki herself. I do recall a similarly-sounding series that has just wrapped up.

Lyrics were written by Ryoji Sonoda(園田凌士and music was composed by Noriyasu Agematsu(上松範康). As for "Trickster", it peaked at No. 2 on Oricon and went Gold. It also managed to finish the year as the 100th-ranked single. Apparently, disco never just went to Japan and set up shop in Akihabara.

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