Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Saori Yuki -- Room Light(ルーム・ライト)

As I've mentioned before, COVID-19 has most likely affected TV programming all over the planet, including that of Japan. This morning, I got to see NHK's "Uta Kon"(うたコン)for the first time in a couple of weeks, and from its usual stage spectaculars in front of an audience, it's been changed to those performances in front of no audience, and apparently as of today, it's been aired with just the two hosts in separate locations, phone conversations with a couple of singers and then clips from past episodes and the Kohaku Utagassen. It's too bad, of course, but under the circumstances, everyone has to be kept safe.

Among the clips was a Saori Yuki(由紀さおり)song that I hadn't heard before. Titled "Room Light", this was the veteran singer's 15th single from March 1973, and it's a gentle folk/kayo ballad about heading home. The impression that I got from Osami Okamoto's(岡本おさみ)lyrics was that it was perhaps being expressed from a new bride's point of view as she and her husband eventually arrive in a taxi at their new home together.

Folk legend Takuro Yoshida(吉田拓郎)was responsible for the melody punctuated by that mellow horn, and the way that Yuki sings it, I can hear Yoshida's voice as well with that certain way he delivers the words in those short clipped phrases. "Room Light" peaked at No. 23 on Oricon, and the single was also placed in her 11th album from April 1973, "Room Light ~ Original A La Carte".

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