Friday, April 24, 2020

The Tasogare Touch(ザ・たそがれ・タッチ)

I was contacted yesterday by a fellow J-Pop blogger by the name of jigenbakuda regarding his own creation, "The Tasogare Touch".

"The Tasogare Touch" mainly deals in the contemporary aidoru scene in Japan, but jigenbakuda has also mentioned that he likes to also dissect songs from the Showa era since he's interested in what makes them tick and also why they make him tick. For example, he's provided articles on Akina Nakamori's(中森明菜)"Eki"(駅)and Junko Ohashi's(大橋純子)"Tasogare My Love"(たそがれマイ・ラブ).

Now, my own comments on both "Eki" and "Tasogare My Love" weren't exactly voluminous so I appreciate the contact from jigenbakuda since he's provided more insights into them through more of a musicologist's approach including translations. I sometimes wish that I could provide a more "scientific" analysis of songs but with our blog, it's usually going to be more of an expression of the layman's like for the kayo.

In any case, have a look at his articles through the links in the second paragraph above and enjoy. It's always nice to have different angles on the same songs.

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