Thursday, April 2, 2020

Yuki Yamakawa -- Shinjuku Dada(新宿ダダ)

Found this brassy and saucy song purely by chance since I was drawn to its title, "Shinjuku Dada". Released as the debut single by Yuki Yamakawa(山川ユキ)in June 1977, from the title, I hadn't been sure whether this was referring to a local Tokyo art movement or some Shinjuku sugar daddy in Kabukicho.

Actually, it was neither. The dada is just some impressionistic onomatopoeia that the brassy and saucy Yamakawa unleashes as the first lyrics. "Shinjuku Dada", written and composed by Masao Ishizaka(石坂まさを), talks of a young woman who decides to leave home in her native Shinjuku to explore the bigger neighbourhood of the area and find out how the famous area ticks on her own. It certainly appears that she may already have earned enough street smarts to handle what's thrown at her.

Yamakawa looks like she had some moves to match the song itself. In any case, there isn't a whole lot of information out there for the singer, although I could find out from that she was born Yukiko Hagita(萩田由記子)in Yamaguchi Prefecture back in 1959, and she released a total of 4 singles up to 1979.

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