Tuesday, June 23, 2020

cinnamons -- Last Scene(ラストシーン)

The final scene at the airport in my all-time favourite black-&-white movie, "Casablanca" may have been one of the first major examples of the main male lead not getting the girl at the end. It was all very bittersweet but although Rick lost Ilsa in the end, the (former) cynic regained his humanity and idealism. Perhaps his buddy Captain Renault did the same as they walked off together.

I'm hoping that the lady in the music video above regains some hope and happiness. The video belongs to cinnamons' July 2017 digital single "Last Scene". A few days ago, I'd written about the duet between this band and evening cinema, "Summertime", and was interested in finding out more about both of them on their own. I've already gotten the evening cinema single up.

With lyrics by vocalist Mariko Suzuki(鈴木まりこ)and music by guitarist Shinji Aoyama(青山慎司), "Last Scene" is about a woman's commiserations on the aftermath of a relationship that has come to an end. Was it the wrong thing to do? Should she and her former love have kept the faith longer? She apparently harbours at least some embers of affection for him although she may be coming around to the fact that it's probably a past romance now.

What I like about "Last Scene" is the soothing vocals by Suzuki, that Candy Voice that was mentioned in the band's profile. Also, there is also that plucking guitar that plays away throughout the song which reminds me of some of the 1980s pop which I heard regularly on all of those Canadian music video shows. The song has also been placed onto cinnamons' November 2018 album "noon".

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