Friday, June 5, 2020

Michihiro Kobayashi -- Giniro no Ame(銀色の雨)

Just the right song to put up right now since we had a major cloudburst about half an hour ago, and it's now gleaming sunshine.

There's virtually nothing that I could find out about singer-songwriter Michihiro Kobayashi(小林みちひろ)outside of the information that I could glean from the Hip Tank Records website. By 1980, he had released three albums including "Nice to Meet You" from that year, and there is this one track on the album, "Giniro no Ame" (Silver Rain).

According to the blurb for the album, "Giniro no Ame" has some elements of a typical Tatsuro Yamashita(山下達郎)melody line, although for me, I get more hints of the music of AOR darlings Ambrosia. But I'm not going to quibble. "Giniro no Ame" is pleasant and relaxing, and as I listen to this for the third time, the afternoon sunshine is looking very nice out there. The cover photo of Kobayashi laying back with his hands behind his neck is an apt one.

Speaking of Ambrosia, why not listen to their wonderful "Biggest Part of Me"? It was also released in 1980.


  1. This definitely starts with an Ambrosia feel. We saw the David Pack-less Ambrosia a few years ago. Not the same, but still a great show. We missed the David Pack/Kenny Loggins/Michael McDonald Yacht Rock mega-review the same summer, which was a huge disappointment.

    1. Unfortunately, I've never been able to catch an AOR-themed concert in my life, but luckily, I've been able to collect my fair share of AOR CDs over the years since the genre is so popular in Japan. Along with "Biggest Part of Me", one of my favourite AOR tunes has been Loggins' "Heart to Heart".


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