Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Verandah -- Anywhere(エニウェア)

Some good ol' happy-go-lucky pop/rock by this band Verandah(ベランダ)via their lone single "Anywhere" but I have to admit that I am just as drawn to the music video which seems to have been inspired by Christopher Nolan. My respect and compliments as well to lead guitarist/vocalist Soshi Takashima(高島颯心)for his way of walking (and his ability to regurgitate a banana) throughout the video; by the way, would anyone know where this city is? With the steep slopes, I am assuming Nagasaki.

Takashima was also responsible for words and music behind "Anywhere", their April 2018 single that is relaxing to hear with those buzzing guitars. His lyrics talk about a fellow's ardent love for a woman that perhaps he hasn't quite confessed to yet. The song has also become a track on Verandah's 2nd album "Anywhere You Like" released at the same time as the single.

According to their website, the band was formed through in 2014 through a chance encounter at a university club. There hasn't been any news announced from Verandah since late 2018 but the lineup listed is Takashima, bassist Reiko Nakano(中野鈴子), drummer Takeo Kanezawa*(金沢健央)and guitarist Mamoru Tazawa(田澤守).

*Not 100% sure about the reading for the name. Let me know if I've made a mistake.

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