Friday, June 19, 2020

Yudai Suzuki -- Friday Night

I gather that this would be the ideal time to put this one up since it's indeed Friday night right now. I am talking about singer-songwriter Yudai Suzuki's(鈴木雄大)3rd single "Friday Night" which was released in February 1983.

Following a few listens to "Friday Night", my impression was that the song was far more West Coast AOR than Japanese City Pop, and then reading some notes on the song at Toshi Kanazawa's blog "Light Mellow on the web", I've found out that backing him up was The Joe Chemay Band while Suzuki was recording this in Los Angeles. To me, "Friday Night" strikes me the same way that Makoto Matsushita's(松下誠)"One Hot Love" from his "First Light" album did when I first heard that classic.

Also, continuing on with the comparison with "One Hot Love", I think both it and "Friday Night" would evoke images of cruising down the main roads of LA during the 1980s. Maybe if Crockett and Tubbs had actually done their policing via "LA Vice", those two songs would have been part of the soundtrack. But I think I'm swooning here since I've just come out of an especially hot shower.💫

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