Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Yuuto Tatsumi -- Sentimental Heart(センチメンタル・ハート)

With "Uta Kon"(うたコン)partially back as of last week with actual live shows featuring a smaller guest list in front of no studio audience, I got to see enka veteran Yoshimi Tendo(天童よしみ)sing her latest "Hinode Mae"(日の出前). As well, there was also the new enka/Mood Kayo up-and-comer Yuuto Tatsumi(辰巳ゆうと)croon his latest. I first wrote about him about a year when he had appeared on an "Uta Kon" episode back then.

(short version)

Tatsumi looks more like a member of a Johnny's Entertainment band but he's got the chops for the traditional genres. His latest is "Sentimental Heart", his 3rd single which came out in March 2020 and peaked at No. 15 on Oricon. The intro reminds me of the start of another Mood Kayo classic "Moshikashite, Part II"(もしかして・パート2)by Sachiko Kobayashi and Katsuhiko Miki(小林幸子・美樹克彦), so you can imagine that I got all those nostalgic karaoke memories from listening to this new song of the genre.

Written by Rei Sakishima(咲島レイ)and composed by YORI, I gather that the songwriters wanted to pursue a fairly passionate tango arrangement with "Sentimental Heart". Looking forward to a successful career for young Yuuto.

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