Saturday, July 18, 2020

Masayuki Suzuki -- Motivation

Looks like Martin has been on a tear recently with his provision of theme songs for anime and live-action dramas.

This time around, Masayuki Suzuki(鈴木雅之)has provided a new song for the second coming of an NTV comedy-drama titled "Haken no Hinkaku"(ハケンの品格...The Pride of a Temp). It had been given a lot of hype on TV Japan for quite a few weeks before Episode 1 showed up last Monday, and Ryoko Shinohara(篠原涼子)stars as a hypercompetent but extremely stoic temp employee. Perhaps she underwent the Kolinahr ritual on Vulcan.

Yup, Suzuki has come up with "Motivation" for those who love their cheer-up songs extra funky. Written and composed by John Acosta, Vincent Degiorgio and Manami, I got those old "Dry-Dry" vibes after my first listen, and perhaps Morris Day and even Tom Jones would indeed approve. I was reading at least one comment which breathlessly wondered whether this would be the new theme for Season 3 of "Kaguya-sama: Love is War". Man, the anime fans really want Season 3 badly!

The music video above shows that Martin is the guy who can make choreography with a lone chair and a brownout not only possible but very sexy. "Motivation" can be found on the 3rd disc of his "ALL TIME ROCK 'N' ROLL" Best compilation which was released back in April.

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