Monday, July 13, 2020

Miki Imai -- Haru no Hi(春の日)

Ever since I heard my very first Miki Imai(今井美樹)song, "Natsu wo Kasanete"(夏をかさねて), in that relaxing lodge-style café in Gunma Prefecture over 30 years ago, the usual reaction template was set whenever I hear one of her ballads: exhalation. Yup, just like walking through a forest or watching an ASMR video of someone getting a scalp massage, I exhale in relaxation and stress seems to slowly melt away.

(very short version)

"Haru no Hi" (Spring Days) is one of those Imai songs that does just that. A track from her July 1995 9th album "Love Of My Life", perhaps the timing is a bit off here, but putting this one up right now makes me forget that we're approaching the dog days of summer (albeit the weather was somewhat cooler today).

With lyrics by Imai, music by Mayumi Horikawa(堀川まゆみ)and arrangement by Yoko Kanno(菅野よう子), the singer's soft vocals, the resonant piano and what sounds like an accordion immediately puts me at ease, and I feel like returning to that mountain café for a cup of coffee. As much as I've not done too badly under the COVID-19 restrictions for the past few months, a song like "Haru no Hi" does make me pine a bit for a visit to a stylish coffeehouse with one or two buddies.

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