Wednesday, July 15, 2020

SHAMBARA -- Lovin' You

Well, it's been a while but maybe for Hump Day Wednesday, we can bring on some SHAMBARA.

Around 3 1/2 years ago, I introduced this City Pop/AOR supergroup consisting of members from fusion band Casiopea (カシオペア) and vocalists Kaoru Akimoto(秋元薫)and Yurie Kokubu (国分友里恵)along with instrumentalists Nozomi Furukawa(古川望)and Kunihiko Ryo(梁邦彦). The band lasted for perhaps a year or so but it was quite a ride on their lone album "Shambara" from 1989.

I remember putting up the catchy-as-all-heck "Solid Dance" and just marveling that Akimoto and Kokubu were singing together with a part of Casiopea backing them up. Well, the track following "Solid Dance" cools things down significantly to a slow dance. "Lovin' You" is interesting in that it begins with a piano solo that feels like it's going into a certain ballad style but then suddenly the synths come in to take things into a different love song direction.

No matter though. "Lovin' You" is gentle and soulful and it sounds so 1980s. It would have been quite the thing to have heard this at my university prom since I graduated right in that year of 1989. Listening to it would have been so easy...finding the date was the hard part. However, the song is something that can be appreciated at any time of the day.


  1. This is my first experience listening to this group. The sparkling production quality and top session performances make this track stand out. The lead vocalist has a pretty voice with graceful, refined delivery, definitely good music to chill out and relax to.

    Thanks for sharing yet another gem from the list of obscurities.

    1. Glad that you enjoyed it. The project didn't last too long but SHAMBARA made the most of it.


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