Friday, September 4, 2020

Alan Dolon -- Oui Savadava(ウィ!シャバダバ)

For those who are really in the know when it comes to Japanese television, this song and the way that it's been delivered in that scat should be instantly familiar to you. The reason is that it's at least a partial cover of the theme song for "11 PM", the long-running late-night variety show on NTV that often had that slightly risque bent to it.

And indeed, it's Keitaro Miho(三保敬太郎)who composed the original theme, and once again he's behind this version which has lyrics this time by Hiroshi Hoshino(星野博志). With the title "Oui Savadava", the new arrangement has got some more Latin spice added to the scat, and the performers are a vocal trio known as Alan Dolon(あらんどろん), which is a slight deviation from the famous French actor, Alain Delon, who's practically a legend in Japan. Try as I might, I couldn't track down who the three singers were. If anyone does know, please let me know. As well, I was seeing quite a few years being listed as the release date for "Oui Savadava", but the liner sheet with the original 45" states that it is 1980.

Enjoy your cocktails with this one!


  1. There is some information here, not sure how reliable is it

    1. Actually, AndrewL, you've been very helpful. From the Yahoo Bag of Knowledge, the answer given was that two of the three women in Alan Dolon have been identified as Atsuko Motoki and Sasuga Minami.

      On this page, Motoki has been credited with "Oui Savadava":

      I couldn't find any concrete connection on Minami's own website ( or on J-Wiki about her being a member of Alan Dolon, but she has been a veteran choreographer as well as a singer who was responsible for the dance steps behind the song "Oshiri Kajiri Mushi":

      Thanks very much for your help!

  2. Hi J-Canuck!

    I've contacted Motoki Atsuko via her blog [] and asked for members' names. This is her answer:


    Well, I didn't expect this kind of answer but come to think of it it makes sense as none of the members' names have ever been cited on any material I've seen (vinyl, magazines, etc...).
    So unfortunately, we might never know who was the third member's name.


    1. Thanks, Daemonskald for your efforts in tracking down those names. Just to give those readers who can't read kana, the names of the ladies in Alan Dolon are Akko, Eri and Name. I'm actually impressed that Ms. Motoki answered that quickly and succinctly and I understand about her not wanting to divulge the full names.


Feel free to provide any comments (pro or con). Just be civil about it.