Monday, September 21, 2020

Fantastic Plastic Machine -- Reaching for the Stars


About a month ago, I put up a Fantastic Plastic Machine song, "The King of Pleasure" from his 2003 album "too". I always appreciate an artist who keeps his album titles nice and concise.

One other track from "too" is "Reaching for the Stars". With vocals by the British acid jazz band, INCOGNITO, compared with "The King of Pleasure", I think "Reaching for the Stars" has got more of a neo-disco sound and more of the sensation of some fellow spinning the discs for the beachgoers at sunset on Ibiza.

Plus, that music video seems to be plowing forth a couple of American sci-fi cultural references. If the Starchild from "2001: A Space Odyssey" grew up to become a beautiful woman with a terrifying manicure, she would be the one featured there. Then, there is that starscape and those space fighters which must have come from "Babylon 5".

Maybe this is more of a Friday night article, but I figure that for the final full day of summer, some FPM delights were in order.

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