Friday, October 23, 2020

Casiopea -- Living on a Feeling


Not sure what the weather is like in your area, but Toronto is celebrating a glorious sunny and warm (23 degrees C) afternoon with the caveat from the weather folks being that in all likelihood, this will be the final sunny and warm afternoon for probably the next several months. Maybe we'll get something this nice again in April 2021. I don't think I've felt this meteorologically conflicted in a while.

Well, it's time for something similarly sunny and warm and indeed because it is City Pop/J-AOR Friday, let's begin with Casiopea's "Living on a Feeling". Was trying to track down its origins but was always getting a similarly titled BEST compilation which came out in 2009, and I know that this song probably came out a whole lot earlier.

In fact, it was a track on the band's November 1983 8th original studio album "JIVE JIVE", and "Living on a Feeling" is a truly bouncy tune thanks to the thumping bass and percussion brought together by drummer Akira Jimbo(神保彰). The song practically demands listeners to hop all the way to the Tiki bar and back with those Mai Tais. Now that all of the wonderful weather is apparently behind us, we will probably have to rely on those Casiopea albums to keep us glowing and sane.

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