Friday, October 16, 2020

Noriko Tsutsui -- Southern Island Imagination


Again, we've come to one of those obscure singers with a great voice who may have put out just a sole album. Et tu, Takako?

There seems to be very little written up about singer-songwriter Noriko Tsutsui(筒井のり子). So far, the only source that I could find was on some Facebook page on live performances which states that she has been going by the moniker RIO Tsutsui. In addition, she's been writing music since elementary school, has performed at college festivals and has won a slew of awards at contests.

Tsutsui released one album (as far as I know) in 1985 called "Southern Island Imagination" which had Neko Saito(斉藤毅)producing it and arranging most of the tracks. I've been listening to a few of the tracks on this release and it seems to be a fun mix of AOR, City Pop and just pretty lush pop somewhat reminiscent of what Junko Yagami(八神純子)had been doing in the late 1970s to early 1980s. At points, Tsutsui's voice reminds me of 80s teenybopper Naoko Kawai(河合奈保子)when she made her foray out of her aidoru roots.

"Southern Island Imagination" the title track begins the album and it's written and composed by Tsutsui. Filled with the sunny summery combination of City Pop and AOR at a beachside resort, some tropical punch is also thrown in for good measure. Tsutsui sounds lovely here and there's even a little aidoru-like sweetness as well. Nice little piano solo in the middle, too, and the percolating synthesizer at the end finishes things off pleasantly.

Not sure what she's been doing between 1985 and the 2010s but if Tsutsui did make any other albums or singles, I'd been interested in knowing more about them. But give the album a try; some interesting things to hear.

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