Thursday, October 8, 2020

・・・・・・・・・-- Slide(スライド)


Eighteen months ago or so, I wrote an article on one of the contemporary aidoru groups with a most unusual name: ・・・・・・・・・. Seeing how that could be difficult to pronounce in polite conversation, it was very nice of the media to provide a slew of alternate names such as dotstokyo or Tententen.

Here is a track from their August 2017 single "CD" called "Slide". It comes with a music video that I can describe as perfect for my old late-night MuchMusic show, "City Limits" featuring the more eclectic stuff. There's something rather avant-garde of overlapping images of flowers, clouds, hands and bare feet in "Slide". Of course, none of the members will show their faces.

I don't know anything about the shoegazer genre that has been placed onto dotstokyo but my impression is that the music is all jangly guitars within a downbeat mood, but from what I've read on Wikipedia is that it's surprisingly another name for dream pop. That's the label that I've associated with Ramjet Pulley especially with their "Overjoyed" song. Then I gather that "Slide" is a pretty good representative of shoegazing music because I find it rather upbeat on the guitars with the flighty visuals.

Words, music and arrangement were handled by Azusa Suga(管梓), the leader of the band For Tracy Hyde under the name Natsubot(夏bot). Since I've come across another group with another unusual moniker, I'm gonna have to investigate this one as well, especially because For Tracy Hyde has a number of genres under its belt.

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