Saturday, November 28, 2020

Ami Ozaki -- Sweet Christmas Song


Almost a couple of weeks ago, I did an article on singer-songwriter Ami Ozaki's(尾崎亜美)1981 "Air Kiss" which was another collaboration between her and David Foster

However, there was one bonus track that I had been planning to save from the album that I've decided to put up here on its own since it has that Yuletide theme. This is "Sweet Christmas Song" which is indubitably a sweet and Xmas-y song that started its life as the B-side to Ozaki's 12th single "Serenade"(蒼夜曲)from November 1980.

Totally created by Ozaki, "Sweet Christmas Song" starts slightly spacey in a progressive rock way but then 30 seconds into it, we are rest assured that this is indeed a Holiday affair thanks to the happy AOR keyboard beat (which sounds like the December 25th drive to Grandma's) and the lyrical references to snow, holy nights, romance and Santa. I think it's something for the whole family and I can even pick up on a slight tropical rum punch thrown into this candy-cane cocktail.

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