Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Denki Groove -- Baby's On Fire


Catchy techno beat and bizarro video. Yep, once again, it's time for Denki Groove(電気グルーヴ)!

Remembering the band's "Flashback Disco" from 1999, I bring you their lead track from October 2014's "25", a mini-album commemorating Denki Groove's 25th anniversary in the music business. "Baby's On Fire" was created by Takkyu Ishino(石野卓球)with assistance on the lyrics by Pierre Taki(ピエール瀧). As well, helping out on vocals is Sachiko Aoyama(蒼山幸子) and her band Negoto(ねごと)which specialized in rock and electronica. I will have to look more into this group as well.

Ishino's lyrics seem to depict someone trying to target a woman for pickup but feeling that the hunt is rather lacking something this time around. But for me, it's about the bouncy melody which strikes me as being somewhat old-fashioned House. Plus the music video, directed by Hideyuki Tanaka(田中秀幸), provides one reason not to accept that invitation to that factory tour, as even one of the head-to-foot shielded workers in the factory may be having his "Soylent Green" moment, especially on knowing where the product ultimately goes (at least, it was a modern model). The album, by the way, peaked at No. 15 on Oricon.

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