Saturday, November 7, 2020

Eri Sato -- Love Sketch(ラブ・スケッチ)


Welcome to the weekend. Gorgeous day out there and perfect timing for the restaurants and pubs to have their service outside for customers. I hope that this will continue for some time although I realize that it is November.

Eri Sato(佐藤恵利)is someone who hails from Funabashi City in Chiba Prefecture, an area that was very close to my old home in Ichikawa and she had a very brief time in the limelight as an aidoru with only three singles released, all of them in 1980. According to J-Wiki, she had been seen as one of a number of post-Momoe Yamaguchi(山口百恵)starlets, and looking at the thumbnail above, she did have a passing resemblance to the No. 1 idol of the 1970s. However, her results didn't particularly spark any major popularity so she entered the acting world where she stayed for many years.

Sato's debut single is "Love Sketch" released in January 1980. With words and music by Yukinojo Mori and Masaaki Hirao(森雪之丞・平尾昌晃)respectively, I don't think "Love Sketch" is bad at all with the Latin rhythm in there and certainly Sato has got a nice handle on the delivery with a reminiscent hint of Momoe and even a bit of Yasuha(泰葉). I'd say that with a bit more oomph in there, I could have even classified it as City Pop but, nah, it's a steady-on aidoru tune.

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