Sunday, November 15, 2020

Ippu-Do -- Shinpai Shinai de(心配しないで)


Welcome to Sunday night. Currently, Toronto is in the middle of a windstorm with a lot of wires going down throughout the southern part of the province, but I'm hoping that somehow we'll be saved from losing power. Still, it was good that we could have dinner and up until recently, I was happily digesting myself into middle-aged slumber.😴

But seeing that I have some time tonight, I decided to try out another article so I encountered this one in the backlog, and boy, did it wake me up! This is "Shinpai Shinai de" (Don't Worry, Baby) by Ippu-Do(一風堂)led by Masami Tsuchiya(土屋昌巳)representing the genres of synthpop, New Wave and experimental.

One of the tracks on the band's debut album "Normal" from March 1980, "Shinpai Shinai de" wants to make it abundantly loud and clear that everything is going to be OK. Judging from this one, I gather that Tsuchiya, who wrote and composed this track, wanted to throw in some rock along with their Devo and a small shoutout to The Beatles' "Day Tripper". The arrangement is going at the speed of a Bullet Train for the most part aside from some deceleration for a bit of whimsy here and there. 

My compliments also go to the fellow who designed the spare cover for "Normal". And I also appreciate the reassurances from Tsuchiya as I wonder about the weather out there.🌀

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