Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Chiko-mura Tamio to Edogawa All-Stars -- Shikararetai!(叱られたい!)


Another year has gone by and Chiko-chan is still chewing out folks for their lack of knowledge. Yes, indeed, I am talking about the NHK educational variety show "Chiko-chan ni Shikarareru"(チコちゃんに叱られる!...Don't Sleep Through Life) that we can watch on TV Japan on Wednesday nights. Last year, I wrote about the theme songs for the show, especially about the main theme which has a rather interesting history.

Well, just in the last few weeks, it appears that Chiko-chan herself and her co-host, comedian and tarento Takashi Okamura(岡村隆史), have decided to get into the singing act, and released a number of their own. Called "Shikararetai!" (I Want to be Scolded!), Chiko and Okamura and songwriter Tamio Okuda(奥田民生)get together under the name Chiko-mura Tamio to Edogawa All-Stars (チコ村民生と江戸川オールスターズ... Chiko Village Tamio and The Edogawa All-Stars) for a bit of soft-shoe and rockabilly fun. There's nothing listed on the J-Wiki article for the program so I don't quite know how it's been doing on the rankings. However, on the most recent episode, a whole bunch of videos have popped out showing the kids copying the choreography at home, so I'm sure that it's done its share of sales. 

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