Monday, December 7, 2020

Kaori Kobayashi -- Children's Dream


Just another Monday night at the beginning of the week but perhaps we can still put on something relaxing to take the edge off another perhaps "Oh, crud! It's Monday again." feeling.

Found another soothing number by jazz/fusion saxophonist Kaori Kobayashi(小林香織)to settle jangled nerves. I first wrote about her in 2016 when I encountered her "Walk In The Night" from her 2007 album "Glow". I equated the song with some of the jazz numbers that I heard on that relaxing late-night show on local TV here called "Night Moves".

"Children's Dream" is from her 2008 album "Shiny" and it's a collaborative effort among Kobayashi, Takayuki Murata and Yukinori Inoue. It is indeed very mellow and those honeyed tones coming from the sax remind me somewhat of the golden notes that have emanated via David Sanborn. But if she reminds you of any other sax players, let me know. I can always be educated on the comparison. There is also something in "Children's Dream" that reminds me of Minnie Riperton's classic "Lovin' You".

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