Friday, December 4, 2020

Masayoshi Takanaka -- Straight From Your Heart


Not quite sure where I took this picture but it definitely is a very cute one of a Japanese rice omelet. I don't recall having been to any Maid Café in Toronto (recently) although I think there is still that one down in Chinatown.

Speaking of Heart of Hearts, here is a nice one from guitarist/composer Masayoshi Takanaka(高中正義), "Straight From Your Heart", a track from his 10th album "Can I Sing?" released in October 1983. Quite the sunny stroll on the pier, music-wise, this Takanaka treat seems to infuse some Margaritaville with a bit of Tin Pan Alley. I get images of cocktails served in pineapple shells while sitting in some Tiki bar.

Keeping on with the connections, "Straight From Your Heart" was given lyrics by Chris Mosdell who had a working link with Haruomi Hosono(細野晴臣)during their Yellow Magic Orchestra days in the late 1970s going into the 1980s. Hosono was also a member of Tin Pan Alley back in the 1970s. Then again, I think Takanaka also had his own relationships with that band as well.

I don't think that I ever mentioned Takanaka's choice in guitars but since I've got my anime buddy who's also a hardcore guitar enthusiast, I can relate that he has an affinity for the Yamaha SG, the Fender Stratocaster and the Mosrite, according to his J-Wiki profile.

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