Friday, December 25, 2020

Shizuka Kudo -- X'mas ga Ippai(X'masがいっぱい)


Ladies and gentlemen, wherever you are, I hope that all of you are enjoying a Merry and Safe Christmas. Perhaps some of you are already digging into the turkey and all of the other surrounding side dishes. If so, I'm deeply sorry for disturbing your repast. I will be partaking in my own dinner in a few hours.

We have not seen aidoru Shizuka Kudo(工藤静香)within the pages of "Kayo Kyoku Plus" for almost two years and it just so happens that I came across this Xmas song by her on YouTube a couple of days ago. So, in the spirit of the Yuletide and multiple bird-killing with one stone, I'm putting up her "X'mas ga Ippai" (Filled with Xmas).

A new song that was specifically added to Kudo's first BEST compilation "gradation" from November 1988, it's a light and pleasant tune about love and proposals during the Christmas season. Considering her aidoru status back then, "X'mas ga Ippai" does have a more mature ring in the arrangement and melody by Tsugutoshi Goto(後藤次利), a frequent composer of Kudo's songs. Goro Matsui(松井五郎)was responsible for the lyrics. I do love the keyboard work and the background chorus behind Shizuka-chan's instantly recognizable vocals.

"gradation" hit No. 2 on Oricon and became a long-running hit by becoming the 9th-ranked album for 1989.

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