Sunday, December 27, 2020

Yutaka Yokokura & Pauline Wilson -- Brazasia


Last year, I was able to purchase a couple of Yutaka Yokokura's(横倉裕)albums: "Yutaka" (1988) and "Another Sun" (1993) and thoroughly enjoyed them. There's another in between those two, "Brazasia" which was released in 1990. Though I couldn't get that one at the time, I have found that it may still exist on Amazon so I will try to make a go at it.

Certainly that first and title track by itself makes it really enticing for me. "Brazasia" the song is one very relaxing tune and I found out on the Japanese-language "Music Avenue" that Yokokura on the koto works with the late Brazilian guitarist Oscar Castro-Neves to provide a wonderful fusion of jazz and bossa nova. But the piece de resistance is indeed the sharing of vocals provided by Yokokura and Pauline Wilson. Wilson has given her expertise on a number of Yokokura's songs over the years much to all our appreciation.

"Brazasia", as I'm listening to it during the cold of winter, does help in taking me out of the Great White North and down south to sunnier and warmer climes. It's the aural tonic to help me forget about the cold and the pandemic, if only for five minutes and change.

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