Thursday, January 14, 2021

Chiemi Hori -- Tokyo Sugar Town(東京Sugar Town)


It's been almost two years on hearing the sad news that 80s aidoru Chiemi Hori(堀ちえみ)had been diagnosed with Stage 4 oral cancer, but it was good to hear that with surgery which included the removal of part of her tongue, she seems to be on the mend according to this November 2020 report on her condition. Here is hoping that her cancer has been eliminated.

And here is Hori's 11th single "Tokyo Sugar Town" from July 1984. A synthesizer-based 50s-sounding tune, the song is perhaps expressing the morning after a romance between a young lady and her lover, and there are no doubts about what has happened since the lyrics by Yoshiko Miura(三浦徳子)describe the lass wearing only her beau's jacket and probably a sheepish smile. Hiroaki Serizawa(芹澤廣明)took care of the bouncy music.

Nocturnal activities aside, "Tokyo Sugar Town" is another summery aidoru tune that brings back memories of what life must have been like on the beaches of Japan, despite the setting mentioned in the title. The Odaiba area by Tokyo Bay had yet to be constructed so no idea whether what had been there was good enough to reflect the feeling of a romantic bayside as hinted at in Hori's song. "Tokyo Sugar Town" peaked at No. 3 on Oricon and it was the 97th-ranked single for 1984. The aidoru even made her lone appearance on NHK's Kohaku Utagassen to perform this one.


  1. How is Chiemi Hori now? Thank you!

    1. Hi there. According to her J-Wiki article, the latest information on her condition is through an article from last June in which Hori is taking voice training in the rehabilitation of her ability to speak following the removal of part of her tongue.


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