Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Kaori Mizumori -- Setonai Shodoshima(瀬戸内 小豆島)/Naruko-kyo(鳴子峡)


It's been a few years since I've touched upon enka singer Kaori Mizumori's(水森かおり)songs and seeing her on both last year's Kohaku Utagassen and last night's return of "Uta Kon"(うたコン), I thought it would nice to talk about this lady who has been known as The Queen of Local Songs for her rendition of enka whose settings are specific and rather idyllic areas of Japan. Moreover, last night, I was asked by a couple of podcasters on all things Japanese if I would be interested in joining up for an interview at the end of February regarding Showa Era music. I figure that one possible question is why I also appreciate the genre of enka, and so why not start by listening to the songs of Mizumori?

Mizumori's 28th single is "Setonai Shodoshima" (Shodo Island in the Seto Inland Sea) which was originally released in February 2020 and was her Kohaku contribution last year. Her performance was notable in that it involved her singing in this literally oceanic dress (designed by former 90s aidoru Tomoe Shinohara/篠原ともえ) in size and colour on the Shibuya stage.

For some quick background, the Seto Inland Sea is a body of water located among the main islands of Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, and Shodo Island is one of the land bodies in that area. The video right at the top is a short travelogue of the island, and I was surprised to find out that Shodo Island was also the setting for the anime "Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san"(からかい上手の高木さん...Skilled Teaser Takagi-san).

As for "Setonai Shodoshima", it's another one of those grand contemporary enka with electric guitar, dramatic strings and pounding timpani depicting a woman's melancholy recalling of a past romance while walking around in the titular area. Written by Eiji Takino(たきのえいじ)and composed by Tetsuya Gen(弦哲也), the protagonist may actually live on the island or, in the case of many an enka protagonist, she may have made the effort to travel there, far away from the area of romance. The song peaked at No. 4 on Oricon, so another feather in Mizumori's cap.

It was good to see "Uta Kon" again after about 6 weeks away because of the Holidays, but it was a bit of a pity that the show had to revert back to a totally audience-less hall with a more detached presentation of guests. Mizumori was indeed present for the first show of 2021 last night.

And well, her song is the first official 2021 release that's getting onto "Kayo Kyoku Plus". Single No. 29 for her is "Naruko-kyo" (Naruko Gorge) located in northwestern Miyagi Prefecture up in the northern part of Honshu. I recall even doing a translation of an article describing the place years ago when I used to handle some requests for tourism in Japan.

The above is a lovely karaoke version by Saori Maki. Also composed by Gen but with lyrics this time by Tsubasa Kazu(かず翼). Now, along with the setting of a scenic area in Japan, there is also plenty of sadness in "Naruko-kyo" but with the added hint of a love affair gone due to the untimely passing of the partner although the spirit is encouraging the lady to keep up the good fight regardless. One thing that I've learned about Mizumori is that she can do plaintive beckonings very well. Interestingly enough, "Naruko-kyo" was only released officially yesterday, so no idea about how well this will do quite yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if the singer is invited once again to the Kohaku to perform this particular song.

Now, as to the original question about why I've been appreciating enka more and more especially in the last decade or so, my answer will not be complete. However, from listening to songs like the above two, I can imagine that there is a certain comfortable hominess and nostalgia about the enka sound for me, especially these geographically-based ones even though I've never visited either Shodo Island or Naruko Gorge. Perhaps, I've subtly channeled some of the rural areas that I've been to such as my grandfather's home in Wakayama, my old town of Tsukiyono on the JET Programme in Gunma or even that ryokan that I stayed at in Izu, Shizuoka Prefecture. Still, this is a work in progress.


  1. greetings , maybe you are not same person in the Facebook named J Canuck . Just Curious . Thanks.. from West Malaysia.

  2. Joe Canuck in Facebook , aren't you the person. ?

    1. Not quite a Joe, unfortunately. :)

    2. so you Don't have Facebook at all. ? May wishes I can communicate with you. from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Happy Chinese Lunar New Year to you MR CANUCK. Here some Chinese song for you, sung by Thai singer named Don Sornrabiab. Great voice from him.

    3. Happy Chinese New Year to you as well and thanks for the link.

    4. My Facebook . Thanks you.


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