Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Yuki Saito --Nemuri Hime(眠り姫)


Although I know that Mari Iijima(飯島真理)has created songs as well as sung them, I think on this blog thus far, I've only featured the ones that she has performed although she may have also helped out in the songwriting.

Well, this time, I have her providing the melody for a tune that she doesn't sing this time (although according to the notes for the relevant J-Wiki article, she did provide backup vocals). This would be "Nemuri Hime" (Sleeping Beauty), a track from Yuki Saito's(斉藤由貴)"Fuumu"(風夢...Wind Dream), her 4th studio album released in April 1987.

The synthesizers are in there but there is also that feeling of an updated version of the exotic kayo that was quite popular in the late 1970s as the light Latin arrangement by Satoshi Takebe(武部聡志)weaves up the magical feeling of a fairy tale and a romance. Meanwhile, Saito herself wrote the lyrics depicting the tale of the sleeping beauty at rest for about a century and her voice is the right type to convey that feeling of fantasy. "Fuumu" hit No. 1 on the Oricon weeklies and it became the 41st-ranked album for 1987.

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