Monday, March 8, 2021

1986 Omega Tribe -- Cosmic Love! Haven't heard this one by 1986 Omega Tribe in ages...simply because I'd forgotten the song as the decades passed. Also, it didn't help that "Cosmic Love" had never been placed in an original album by the band, and frankly I rather abandoned those old compilation audiotapes.

"Cosmic Love" was the 3rd single by the band under that certain name of 1986 Omega Tribe with Carlos Toshiki(カルロス・トシキ)as the vocalist. Released in October 1986, hearing it again after so long, the City Pop/J-AOR vibes are indeed present but thanks to that special synthesizer, the whole song does make things rather cosmic, and the instrumental break smack-dab in the middle takes things briefly into a whole other dimension. From what I can glean from the late Koichi Fujita's(藤田浩一)lyrics, there is a relationship in trouble because of that geometric shape that never bodes well in love, i.e. the triangle, and one corner of that shape is trying to mend fences, although how the infusion of cosmic forces will help is beyond me. Tsunehiro Izumi(和泉常寛)was responsible for the melody while Hiroshi Shinkawa(新川博)brought all things spacey into the arrangement.

As I said off the top, "Cosmic Love" hadn't been placed in any original album by Omega Tribe, but slightly different versions were included onto the 1989 album "BEST REMIX" and the 1991 "Omega Tribe History: Good-bye Omega Tribe 1983-1991". The original single hit No. 3 on Oricon (and ended up as the 56th-ranked single of 1986) while "BEST REMIX" peaked at No. 30 and "Omega Tribe History" got as high as No. 29.


  1. Omega Tribe traveling through space and time to deliver pure listening satisfaction. Who could resist such infectious '80s J-pop? For more ear candy from this group, check out 'Super Chance'. About the closest modern group I can think of is Sakanaction.

    1. Hi, Michael. Yeah, I think there's a connection to be made between Omega Tribe and Sakanaction through "Cosmic Love", especially with the spaciness of it all.


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