Wednesday, April 7, 2021

J-Canuck's Favourite Minako Yoshida Songs


Well, as the title says on her 6th album from October 1978, let's do it! I actually found out through Twitter earlier today that singer-songwriter Minako Yoshida(吉田美奈子)has just turned 68 so a Happy Birthday to her. Moreover with the special day today, I figured that it was perhaps time for another Author's Pick for a specific singer since I hadn't done so since March 2018 when I put up a similar article for Yumi Matsutoya(松任谷由実).

This time, though, the list will be smaller but no less beloved.

1. Yume de Aetara (1976)

An unusual choice here only if Yoshida herself wasn't behind words and music but the late Eiichi Ohtaki(大滝詠一), and also considering the more soulful versions done by later acts such as Rats and Star(ラッツ&スター)and Gospellers, the original by Yoshida has more of that 60s girls' pop vibe to it. The singer also has got more of the higher tones coming out of her larynx here.

2. Koi wa Ryuusei (1977)

One of the finest sunset City Pop songs that I've ever heard by anyone delving into the genre, "Koi wa Ryuusei", I would vote for this one if someday there were a movie made in Hollywood or Japan and it needed to have an urban contemporary ending theme. Love how the instruments come in to do clean-up in one of the mellowest jam sessions.

3. Ai wa Omou Mama (1978)

Yep, indeed, let's do it! Whenever I hear this one, I feel that it's time to hit the discos in Roppongi and dance the night away (don't worry...I won't do that in front of you...I am rather kind to sighted people). The beat is indeed so inviting and those disco strings are so nostalgic that it does make me pine for my old stomping grounds...and I usually don't pine.

4. TOWN (1981)

Ahhh...bass (and horn) addicts, rejoice! I know that I've put this one up on other Author's Pick lists but I just can't help it here. This is one of my very favourite Yoshida creations and this is frankly one reason that I put up those cap letters for both "City" and "Pop". "TOWN" is joyous and noisy and very kakkoii, and I want to be in the middle of all of it.

5. Hoho ni Yoru no Akari (1982)

When Rocket Brown mentions about all those sweet sounds in his byline for his Come Along Radio show, "Hoho ni Yoru no Akari" is what I usually envision. Lots of wonderful nighttime soul for the soul and the horns once again come through, and there is that David Sanborn sax solo. As I mentioned in the original article back in 2012, this is the song that you want on your car stereo while driving on that city highway in the midnight hour.

In any case, a Happy Birthday to Ms. Yoshida!🍰


  1. That's crazy! I was just listening through her debut album & Light'N Up all day today at work!

    1. Yeah, like I said, if I hadn't seen that tweet about her birthday today, I wouldn't have known. Fortunately, I got it out this afternoon.


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