Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Mega Shinnosuke -- Midnight Routine


Midnight routine? That means my shower and tooth-brushing before either hitting the hay or indulging in some YouTube viewing, although I've been trying to tone it down a little as far as the latter is concerned. At times, I've gone a little overboard with the various videos, and yet there is something to be said about enjoying some quiet time in front of the computer.

Back in 2019, I discovered this fellow by the name of Mega Shinnosuke and his form of neo City Pop called "Togenkyo to Taxi"(桃源郷とタクシー). I also noted that the Fukuoka-born singer-songwriter has delved into City Pop, rock/funk and synthpop, and this time, his September 2020 digital single, "Midnight Routine" sounds a little different.

"Midnight Routine" actually goes more into some of that indies rock character, perhaps even shoegaze/dream pop, although I can additionally pick up on a bit of ol' Flipper's Guitar Shibuya-kei and a little synthpop. I'd say that it does transcend the genres. It's all quite hazy and breezy in a way mindful of enjoying that after-hours taxi ride home with the backseat windows all the way down one summer night.

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