Sunday, May 16, 2021

Kawai Fujii -- Sono Ki mo nai Kuse ni(その気もないくせに)


Another fine day out there which means the fan has switched on in here.

(shortened version)

Basically a year ago, I wrote about a singer named Kawaii Fujii(藤井香愛)that I discovered on YouTube who had brought back the memories of old-style Mood Kayo through songs such as her 2nd single "TOKYO Maigo"(TOKYO迷子)from 2019. Well, it looks like she's gotten some more fame under her as she made her first appearance on last week's episode of "Uta Con"(うたコン).

Fujii performed her most recent single "Sono Ki mo nai Kuse ni" (Although I Don't Feel Like It) on the NHK program. It was originally released last year in April 2020 and got up to No. 35 on Oricon, but it was given a re-release in March of this year and it's done even better by getting up to No. 30. Written by Kazuya Senke(千家和也), composed by Kohei Miyuki(幸耕平)and arranged by Mitsuo Hagita(萩田光雄), "Sono Ki mo nai Kuse ni" is a look back at the old snazzy Latin-tinged Mood Kayo of the 1970s and 1980s.

The lyrics by Senke have been made to match a lot of the words from those Mood Kayo chestnuts as a woman sullenly admonishes her probably imminently to-be-ex-paramour in a bar not to bother with the soothing words if the result is a breakup. Still, the drinks are helpful. However, taking things back into the real world, I hope that Fujii has continued success in her career since it would be nice to have some of the classy kayo back in some form again.

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