Friday, May 7, 2021

Ken Tamura -- Moonlight Magic

We are heading into the Mother's Day weekend for those nations which celebrate the observed holiday, and depending on where you are, I hope that you all have a sunny and safe weekend.

As such, how about something appropriately sunny and AOR? I bring you "Moonlight Magic" by Japanese-American singer-songwriter Ken Tamura(ケン田村), the title track from his 1981 single. I gather that he was fairly busy that year because he also released his full album "Light Ace" at that time.

Tamura has come up with songs in both the City Pop and J-AOR fields but I think "Moonlight Magic" is solidly within the latter area. It just seems to have that summery beachside atmosphere with some of that Doobie Bounce and maybe even some of Jimmy Buffett's "Margaritaville", to boot. Presumably, his post-secondary education in California had him absorbing some of that laidback West Coast lifestyle.

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