Friday, June 25, 2021

Nanako Sato -- Saigo no Tejina(最後の手品)


Friday night...and the sight is unfortunately rather drab and wet here in Toronto right now but hopefully the restaurants have been able to bring countermeasures to their patios in the form of awnings or something similar. 

It's too bad since this song is the type of song that City Pop fans would like to hear adorning their nursing of their beer or cocktail on some sunset balcony of a bar or other eatery. This is Nanako Sato's(佐藤奈々子)"Saigo no Tejina" (The Last Sleight of Hand) from her 3rd album "Pillow Talk" released in October 1978. I've actually written about one other track from "Pillow Talk", "Koi no Ryuusei"(恋の流星).

As would befit the times, there is that "haze" effect from the synthesizer to start things off before the Fender Rhodes and a Latin guitar escort Sato's always relaxing and sultry vocals. Takashi Matsumoto(松本隆)was the lyricist here and I have to give my compliments to the person running the keyboards especially during the instrumental bridge, and it turns out that it is the keyboard master himself, the late Hiroshi Sato(佐藤博), who composed the bossa nova-tinged "Saigo no Tejina"

Well, if you can't get to a bar tonight, at least you can enjoy that beer in front of "Kayo Kyoku Plus" or YouTube listening to this one.

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